Moxibustion is an integrative approach used in ADB Acupuncture Clinic that includes heating an acupoint by burning an herb (mugwort). The circulatory system, the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems are all impacted by the fire’s heat, which is used to retain heat and nourishment. In addition to turning breech babies, moxibustion is frequently used to treat arthritis, menstrual pain, digestive problems, and postpartum recovery. We provide this traditional Japanese moxibustion method as a complimentary add-on to your acupuncture treatments. Our therapists employ newborns in the breech position for pregnancy. It is incredibly effective at releasing knots and suppressing pain receptors.
The herb mugwort is burned over certain acupuncture points as part of this therapy, which is a natural supplement to acupuncture. It is one of the remedies in our toolbox of medicine that we employ in our treatment programs. This therapy alleviates a wide range of medical issues, such as neck and shoulder discomfort and low back pain. It is also a good energizer and is great for warming up the body in cold conditions.
In order to sustain general health, this pain-relieving thermal therapy increases the body's qi and blood circulation. To warm and energize meridians, acupuncture sites, and other regions of the body, our professionals utilize these traditional formulations of mugwort. It produces a pleasant and calming sensation. Feel free to contact our therapists to obtain detailed information.
ADB Acupuncture Clinic aims to deliver amazing outcomes with our core services. In addition to giving you time to unwind, we offer therapeutic care that is results-driven. Our goal is to offer services that place a strong emphasis on an individual's overall wellness.